This is my newest found love; Khan Sahib is one of the greatest things about Pakistan, he has made contributions to Hollywood and this is him singing Rumi’s Kalam. If there is one language I wish I knew it is Farsi or popularly known as Persian. Not knowing it makes me feel deprived of a very rich culture of the Muslim rule. I felt the same about Urdu when I was not very well versed at it. Then as my design thesis I took up Mirza Ghalib as my topic that was when I learnt about the reality of Ghalib’s immortality.
He has written about every topic and it is a misconception that all Ghalib is about is plainly unrequited love. For me, love is either returned by your beloved or it is a mistake. But these poets made me discard all my previous beliefs and they showed me that it is a coward who abandons love when it hurts. If I were to fall in love I would want it to last an eternity I would want it to be like the love of these immortal poets.
Back to the poem; I hope it does not get lost in translation:
Na man behooda girde kocha
Wa bazaar megardam
Mazaj-e-ashiqee daram paye
dildar megardam
Khudaya rahm kon bar man
Pareeshan waar megardam
Khata karam gonahgaram
Ba hale zaar megardam
Sharabe showq menosham
Ba girde yaar megardam
Sukhan mastana megoyam
Walay hooshyaar megardam
No I am not roaming aimlessly
around the streets and bazaar
I am a lover searching for his beloved
God have mercy on me
I am walking around troubled
I have done wrong and sinned
and am walking around wounded
I have drunk the wine of desire
and am strolling around beloved
Though I may seem drunk
I am quite sober
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